

Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Hyogo

University of Hyogo


Ideal Graduates

Students are expected to develop specialized knowledge and skills in Japanese and international business, as well as intercultural communication skills, which are indispensable in a global society. They should acquire the outstanding ability necessary to address and resolve various issues that occur in international business and related fields.

Curricula Policy

All classes are conducted in English. Course subjects required in developing outstanding ability to solve various challenges in international business and related fields are categorized into three, so that students can achieve the purpose: “Research support courses,” allowing students to master research methodology for working on research challenges in an intercultural and multicultural environment; “Core specialized courses,” allowing students to obtain advanced knowledge and skills for international business and related fields; and “Research seminar courses,” offering research guidance for students to complete a degree thesis. In this context, academic achievements are assessed through a multifaceted approach that aligns with the learning objectives, including examinations, reports, class participation, presentations, and the evaluation results of the master's thesis.

Course Structure and List of Courses

Research support courses

Compulsory Elective
Research Methodology Cross-cultural Communication
Business Japanese A, B

Core specialized courses

Compulsory Elective
Consulting Project*
Global Business or Japanese Business
Comparative Culture
Cross-cultural Management
Japanese Culture and Society
Economic History of Asia
Seminar I
Seminar II

*Consulting Project is one of the compulsory courses. Students will develop the perspective necessary for a global businessperson through participation in fieldwork.

Faculty in charge of Seminar I & II and their research field

In seminar I and II, students work towards completing their Master's thesis, thus acquiring and enhancing the skills and knowledge necessary research.

Professor ASSMANN-TERADA Stephanie Ph.D.
(Japanese Studies)
Sociology, Cultural Anthropology, Japanese Society
Professor KANO Ikuya Ph.D.
(Business Administration)
Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior
Professor YAMAGUCHI Takahide Ph.D. (Management) Global Business
KHALID Saddam Ph.D.
(Business Administration)
Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behavior,
Future of Work
NAGASATO Kenji Ph.D.(Philosophy) Manufacturing Management in Japan
NGHI?M-PH? Bình Ph.D.
(Media and Governance)
Marketing, Applied Psychology,
Tourism Issues

The page Faculty shows the detailed information of those faculty.

Diploma Policy

A Master's degree (Global Business Administration) will be awarded to students who meet all the following requirements.
DP1: who possess specialized knowledge and skills in Japanese and international business.
DP2: who possess the ability to adapt to foreign cultures, which is required to play an active role on the global stage.
DP3: who are equipped with the potential to identify issues of academic significance.
DP4: who can approach such issues logically using a theoretical framework.
DP5: who can eventually give back to society the specialized knowledge and skills they have acquired.


This department offers a Master of Global Business Administration degree after completion.

