

Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Hyogo

University of Hyogo

Admissions Screening

Admission Policy

Our entrance examination process is focused on selecting students who have experience of studying in an intercultural environment; who possess expertise and skills in the global business field that are usually obtained in an undergraduate program, as well as language skills that would allow them to take classes conducted in English, and who are willing to use the skills and expertise they obtain within this program for the benefit of the society as a whole.The selection process is conducted entirely in English, involving a comprehensive assessment of application documents, written and oral examinations.

Admission and Entrance Examination Dates

The Department of Global Business offers fall (September) admission in addition to regular admission in April, considering the overseas academic calendar.
The entrance examination for admission in April is held in August and February. For admission in September, examinations are held in February and August.
Examinations for recommendation-based admission are held in July and in November for admission in September and April. Only students who have completed undergraduate courses taught entirely in English at Japanese universities may apply for recommendation-based admission.

Online Examination

The examination site is the Kobe Campus for Commerce of the University of Hyogo.
If due to unavoidable circumstances, applicants residing outside of Japan are unable to take the entrance examination in person, we may arrange an online examination. Applicants who want to take the online examination must state so at the time of their application.

Number of Students to Be Accepted

This department has an admission quota of 9 students

Application Guidelines and Forms

The application guidelines and forms will be posted here in due course. Please note that the documents for entrance examinations that have already been completed are also posted for your reference.
The application guidelines provide information on application eligibility, documents required for your application and necessary procedures, entrance examination methods and dates, enrollment procedures, admission fees, tuitions and other fees. A list showing detailed information on seminars and professors in charge is posted in the page of Education.

General admission screening

Category Exam in August
Enroll in April
Exam in February
Enroll in April
Exam in February
Enroll in September
Application Guidelines Japanese AGJ8-4 AGJ2-4&9
International AGI8-4 AGI2-4&9
Application Form Japanese AFJ8-4 AFJ2-4 AFJ2-9
International AFI8-4 AFI2-4 AFI2-9
Examination Card Japanese ECJ8-4 ECJ2-4 ECJ2-9
International ECI8-4 ECI2-4 ECI2-9

List of Seminar Instructors is here.

Recommendation-based admission screening

Language of Documents Exam in July
Enroll in April
Exam in November
Enroll in September
Application Guidelines Japanese AGJ7-4 AGJ11-9
English AGE7-4 AGE11-9
Application Form Japanese AFJ7-4 AFJ11-9
English AFE7-4 AFE11-9
Examination Card Japanese ECJ7-4 ECJ11-9
English ECE7-4 ECE11-9
Recommendation Letter Japanese RLJ
English RLE

List of Seminar Instructors is here.

  • Please read the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct Regarding Online Examinations and submit the Pledge Form with the application documents.

Foreign students who have sufficient Japanese language abilities can be admitted to the other departments of the Graduate School of Social Sciences, where most classes are taught in Japanese. The admission procedures are different from those for the department of Global Business. Please visit the site in Japanese.