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【Center for Global Engagement】 Activities Report for November

■ Lunch Break Activities
We hold various events at the Center for Global Engagement during lunchtime, all in English. We play games, take quizzes, watch videos, and discuss many topics. Come and join us!

Some of our lunch break activities in November were:

Tuesday, November 19
One of our center assistants, Ms. Toyohara, introduced herself, her hometown in Kagawa Prefecture, and her hobbies.
twitter(@univhyogointl): https://twitter.com/univhyogointl/status/1196695933863395328

Thursday, November 14
We played Taboo, and all of the participants enjoyed it very much. We will certainly play it again. Feel free to join us!
twitter(@univhyogointl): https://twitter.com/univhyogointl/status/1194859319042301952

Tuesday, November 12
We held two events: student presentations about their experiences on their GLEP trip to Zimbabwe this past summer (accompanied by a music recital) and a lecture on English pronunciation by Emeritus Professor Tamori.
※GLEP: Global Leader Education Program in University of Hyogo
twitter(@univhyogointl): https://twitter.com/univhyogointl/status/1194163232069435394

■ Special Events

Thursday, November 28
We held a cooking event, where students prepared an Indonesian dish called gado gado. It included worldwide-popular tempeh (made from fermented soybeans) and was garnished with a spicy peanut sauce. Many thanks to our cooks and for those who came to eat and learn about Indonesian cuisine!
twitter(@univhyogointl): https://twitter.com/univhyogointl/status/1200240705328648192

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School of Economics and Management University of Hyogo

8-2-1, Gakuen Nishimachi, Nishi-ku Kobe, 651-2197, Japan
phone: +81-(0)78-794-5362
e-mail: gbc@ofc.u-hyogo.ac.jp


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