

Majors and Programs

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The School of Economics and Management offers three courses and five programs (see the table below). All students study the basics of both economics and business administration in all of our programs. Students choose which course and program they wish to join in the second semester of the second year, except for the Global Business Course students, who take a different entrance examination and enter their course and program from the first semester of the first year.
A notable feature of the Finance Program and the Social Innovation Program is that the students attend advanced classes concerning both economics and business administration. The Global Business Course is distinctive in that lectures and seminars are conducted in English right from the beginning of the students’ studies.

Courses and Programs

Course Program Classroom Language(generally) Yearly Entrance Quota Degree Awarded
Global Business Global Business Course English 80 Bachelor of Economics
Economics Economic Theory and Policy Japanese 280
Business Administration Management Bachelor of Business Administration
Social Innovation

Economics Course

Economic Theory and Policy Program

Students will learn about economic theory and history in order to understand various aspects and perspectives of the economy and to know about policies that can further improve society and the economy. Upon completion of this program, students will earn a bachelor's degree in Economics.

Finance Program

Students will learn about how corporations raise capital and how financial markets work from the point of view of economics and business administration. Upon completion of this program, students will earn a bachelor's degree in Economics.

Business Administration Course

Management Program

Students will learn about how organizations such as corporations deploy and manage their various types of resources and assets in order to accomplish their objectives. Upon completion of this program, students will earn a bachelor's degree in Business Administration.

Social Innovation Program

Students will learn, through their studies of economics and business administration, the skills needed to reform institutions and organizations and to create value in local communities in order to be able to respond to rapid changes taking place in modern society. Upon completion of this program, students will earn a bachelor's degree in Business Administration.

Global Business Course

Students will learn about economics, business administration, culture, and society in English. In addition, students will acquire valuable global perspectives through cross-cultural experiences in Japan and abroad by living in our international student dormitory, participating in our off-campus "Program to Experience Japan,” taking part in internships, and studying overseas. Upon completion of this program, students will earn a bachelor's degree in Economics.

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School of Economics and Management University of Hyogo

8-2-1, Gakuen Nishimachi, Nishi-ku Kobe, 651-2197, Japan
phone: +81-(0)78-794-5362
e-mail: gbc@ofc.u-hyogo.ac.jp


(C)School of Economics and Management, University of Hyogo. All rights reserved.