

Furthering Your Education
in the Graduate School of Social Sciences

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Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Hyogo

A graduate school is a place to enhance the expertise that students have acquired during undergraduate studies. The duration of the Master’s program and the Professional Degree program is two years, and that of the Doctoral program is three years. Students who have completed the Master’s program will be granted a master’s degree. Students who have completed the Doctoral program and have passed a doctoral thesis review will be granted a doctoral degree. Students who have studied economics, business administration, and global business at the School of Economics and Management may go on to the Graduate School of Social Sciences.
In April 2021, the Graduate School of Economics, the Graduate School of Business Administration, the Graduate School of Accountancy, and the Graduate School of Business were reorganized and integrated into the Graduate School of Social Sciences. The Graduate School of Social Sciences consists of five departments: the Department of Economics, the Department of Business Administration, the Department of Global Business, the Department of Professional Accountancy, and the Department of Professional Business.

Early graduation from the School of Economics and Management

As a rule, students go on to graduate school after graduating from the undergraduate program in four years. However, high-achieving students can graduate from the undergraduate program early and enroll in the graduate school at the end of the 3rd year thanks to the five-year integrated education scheme between the School of Economics and Management and the Graduate School of Social Sciences. For more information, please refer to the Academic Guide for requirements and procedures required for early graduation. (The School of Economics and Management Rules for Early Graduation were amended in March 2021, and the amended rules are retroactively applied from April 2019. Accordingly, students enrolled in or before April 2020 should refer to the latest Academic Guide.)
Students in the School of Economics and Management can join the Graduate School of Social Sciences via recommendation-based admission screening.

Undergraduate registration for courses at the Graduate School of Social Sciences

Students who wish to enroll in the Graduate School of Social Sciences can take courses at the Graduate School of Social Sciences early during their undergraduate studies and complete them with the prescribed score. The credits that they have earned for the courses are recognized as acquired credits through the prescribed procedures after enrollment in the Graduate School of Science. In such a case, students can take fewer graduate classes and focus more on doing research at the Graduate School of Social Sciences.
The courses that can be taken early are determined for each department as follows. (The Department of Professional Business does not allow undergraduate registration for graduate courses.)

Courses at the Graduate School of Social Sciences subject to undergraduate registration

Departments Upper limit of credits Courses (underlined are compulsory)
Economics* 12 Microeconomics I Macroeconomics I Econometrics I International Economics I Mathematics for Economic Analysis Microeconomics II Macroeconomics II
Business Administration* 12 Business Management Accounting I Marketing I Strategic Management Management in Regional Development Small Business Sport Management Law
Global Business 12 Management Marketing Microeconomics Macroeconomics Global Business Japanese Business Accounting
Professional Accountancy* 12 Bookkeeping I Financial Accounting Management Accounting I Cost Accounting I Auditing Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting Tax Law Ⅰ Business Law

Departments marked * teach in Japanese.

For more information on undergraduate registration for graduate courses, please refer to the School of Economics and Management Rules for Undergraduate Registration for Graduate Courses.

Briefing Session about Enrolling in the Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Hyogo

Briefing sessions are held several times a year. Please check the official homepage of the Graduate School of Social Sciences regularly.

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School of Economics and Management University of Hyogo

8-2-1, Gakuen Nishimachi, Nishi-ku Kobe, 651-2197, Japan
phone: +81-(0)78-794-5362
e-mail: gbc@ofc.u-hyogo.ac.jp


(C)School of Economics and Management, University of Hyogo. All rights reserved.