
Top » Publications

Recent works


  • T.Entani, "Interval Inner Evaluations From Self-judgments and Peer-judgments," Joint 12th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, (pp.1-6)
  • T.Entani, "Group Formation Models Based on Inner Evaluations of Members," 9th International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, pp.29-39


  • T.Entani, "Normalization of an Interval Vector in Interval Analytic Hierarchy Process," The 22nd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, (pp.1-6)
  • T.Shiomi, T.Entani "Serial Dictatorship Mechanism with Grouping," The 60th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, (pp.15-20)


  • T.Entani, "Interval Data Envelopment Analysis for Inter-group Data Usage," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.24 No.1, pp.113-122
  • S.Ken, T.Entani, T. W.Tsusaka, N.Sasaki, "Effect of REDD+ projects on local livelihood assets in Keo Seima and Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia," Heliyon, Vol.6, No.4, e03802 (pp.1-12)


  • T.Entani, "Group Assessment of Comparable Items from the Incomplete Judgments," The joint 18th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association and 38th North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Conference, pp.61-72
  • T.Entani, "Fuzzy Approach for Group Assessment Based on the Consistency of Individual Judgments," The 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, (pp.1-6)


  • T.Entani, M.Isobe, "Inner Evaluation of Writing in a Foreign Language Based on Expert Judgment for Correction," Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.22, No.5, pp.759–766
  • T.Entani, "Two Approximation Models of Fuzzy Weight Vector from a Comparison Matrix," Advances in Fuzzy Systems, #1975768, (pp.1–9)


  • T.Entani, "Individual Relative Assessment Based on Interval AHP with Interval Comparisons Based on DEA," Proceedingso of joint 17th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, (pp.1-6)
  • T.Entani, "Estimating Fuzzy Weight Vector from Interval Pairwise Comparison matrix with Various Processed Matrices," Proceedingso of IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, (pp.1-6)


  • T.Entani, "Individual decisions affected by group decision based on surely assigned weight," Proceedingso of joint 8th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 17th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp.558-563
  • T.Entani, "Bottom Up Review of Criteria in Hierarchically Structured Decision Problem," Proceedingso of the 5th International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, pp.99-109


  • T.Entani, M.Inuiguchi, "Pairwise Comparison Based Interval Analysis for Group Decision Aiding with Multiple Criteria," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.274, No.1, pp.79–96
  • M.Inuiguchi, T.Entani, "Group decision aiding by Interval AHP with compromise and refinement", Proceedingso of The 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, pp.585-592
  • T.Entani, M.Inuiguchi, "Maximum Lower Bound Estimation of Fuzzy Priority Weights from a Crisp Comparison Matrix", Proceedingso of The 4th Intentional Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, pp.65-76


  • T.Entani, "Individual decisions under group consensus", Proceedingso of Joint Rough Set Symposium, pp.331-338
  • A.Suwa, K.Honda,A.Notsu,T.Entani, "A Comparative Study on Clustering-based Group Scenario Summarization in AHP", Proceedigs of International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp.788-693
  • T.Entani, "Estimation of comparisons based on Interval AHP", Proceedigs of International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, pp.1408-1412
  • 円谷友英, "個人の満足と不満に配慮したグループ区間AHP", 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌, Vol.26, No.6, pp.873-880


  • T.Entani, "Relative evaluation of criteria for cooperative Interval AHP ingroup decision making", Proceedings of Joint IFSA World Congress NAFIPS Annual Meeting, pp.269-273
  • A.Suwa, K.Honda, A.Notsu, T.Entani, "Intrinsic Scenario Estimation by Noise Fuzzy", Proceedings of IEEE Word Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp.1751-1756
  • 円谷友英, 石筒覚, 大槻知史, "188体育平台教育ネットワークを基盤としたコミュニティ防災およびコミュニティ再生を担う人材育成", Collaboration: 高知大学教育研究部総合科学系地域協働教育学部門研究論集, Vol.3, pp.30-33


  • T.Entani, K.Sugihara, "Uncertainty index based interval assignment by Interval AHP", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.219, No.2, pp. 379-385
  • T.Entani, K.Honda, "Group Decision Support by Interval AHP With Uncertainty Based Hierarchical Clustering", Proceedings of IEEE Word Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp.1751-1756


  • T.Entani, "Ranking of DMUs Based on efficiency Intervals", Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatic, Vol.15, No.1, pp.63-67
  • "Group Decision Focusing on Outliers", T.Entani, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp.1705-1709


  • T.Entani, M.Inuiguchi, "Group decision in Interval AHP based on interval regression analysis", Huynh et al.(Eds.) Integrated Uncertainty Management and Applications, pp.269-280
  • T.Entani, M.Inuiguchi, "Aggregation of group members' opinions based on two principles", Proceedings of IEEE Word Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp.604-609

Presentations and Others


  • 円谷友英, "グループ形成のための複数視点からのメンバの区間評価", 第38回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, pp.89-91
  • 譚培顕,円谷友英, "主観データを用いた多基準意思決定分析-理想案がある場合-", 第30回インテリジェント?システム?シンポジウム, pp.102-106
  • 磯部美穂,円谷友英, "文の作成過程における前域文成分の選択傾向について", 日本独文学会北陸支部研究発表会, pp.1-3


  • 円谷友英, "区間値の正規化に関する一考察", 第30回 インテリジェント?システム?シンポジウム, pp.1-2


  • 山下雄大, 藤本洋, 円谷友英, "自治体比較のための住民アンケートを対象とした質問文の自動分類の提案", 第36回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, pp.89-91


  • 円谷友英, "外国語テキストの個人の選好抽出と読み書きへの応用", 日本OR学会「不確実状況下における意思決定とその周辺」研究部会第1回研究会


  • 円谷友英, "2種類の一対比較行列グループによる個別内部評価", 第34回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, pp.887-888


  • 円谷友英, "グループ区間を用いた個人選好の導出", 2017年日本オペレ-ションズ?リサ-チ学会春季研究発表会, pp.325-326


  • 円谷友英, "あいまいさを反映した評価基準の実数ウェイト導出", 第32回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, pp.177-178


  • T.Entani, "Simultaneous Interval AHP in a multiple criteria group decision making", Muti Criteria Decision Making 2015, Hamburg, Germany, MO-5-κ
  • 円谷友英, "区間回帰分析を用いた共通性に基づくグループ意思決定", 2015年日本オペレ-ションズ?リサ-チ学会春季研究発表会, pp.148-149
  • 円谷友英, "一対比較値の不整合性を考慮したファジィウェイト推定", 第31回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, pp.207-208


  • T.Entani, "Group decision as approximation of individual interval weights by Interval AHP", International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Washington DC, USA, pp.241
  • 円谷友英, "グループ内の個人の意思決定", 日本オペレ-ションズ?リサ-チ学会春季研究発表会, pp.140-141
  • 円谷友英, "基準代替案を用いた区間AHPによる一対比較値の再考", 第30回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, pp.184-185
  • 円谷友英, "チーム活動における個と全体の目標設定と評価", 第61回評価のOR研究部会(日本オペレ-ションズ?リサ-チ学会)


  • 円谷友英, "グループ意思決定の強みと区間AHP", 第29回ファジィシステムシンポジウム, pp.295-297
  • 円谷友英, "区間DEAを用いた多面的評価?現状を視覚化する工夫?", 兵庫県立大学シンポジウム, pp.77