
Global House, our international student dormitory, is located on the Kobe Campus for Commerce. It accommodates 150 international and Japanese students. All students in Global Business Course of the School of Economics and Management are required to live here for their first year. The community setting of rooms and spaces provides students with opportunities to gain cross-cultural experience and improve their intercultural understanding and communication skills. 

Students enrolled in the School of Science may live in a student dormitory near the Harima Campus for Science from the second year. (Students who wish to live in the dormitories are selected by lottery in their first year.)

In addition to the university-owned student dormitories, there are many private rental properties in the vicinity of each campus location, which are arranged not only by private real estate agencies but also by the University Co-op.
The University Co-op website has a downloadable PDF that provides information on location, commuter pass fees, individual property information, etc.
There are also applications for dormitories provided by private scholarship foundations.