
Our Mission

13-71 Kitaoji-cho, Akashi, Hyogo

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Our Mission

We seek to grow well-rounded nurses with ethics highly regarding the dignity of human as well as all other forms of life. We will foster future leaders with expert knowledge and competence who can create their own profession by answering flexibly to various tasks in health care, medical care and welfare arising either locally or internationally.

Perfect environment for education and research

  • A wide variety of qualifications are accessible across the fields of health care, medical care and welfare: a nurse, a public health nurse, a midwife, as well as a school nurse.
  • We provide students with interdisciplinary basis for nursing research with our substantial teaching staff in related fields.
  • We have a graduate school with the largest number of courses for clinical nurse specialists in Japan.
  • One of the greatest research institutes of the world in nursing is due to be set up shortly which is named the "Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community."

COE Program

We take pride in working as a member of the Education and Science Ministry's 21st Century COE Program. This program was launched to give special support to the most excellent Japanese universities in every field of research and education (so far only three in the field of nursing).
Its goal is to improve our nation's research ability by developing more creative researchers and more universities that can rival and lead the world. Our own project is entitled "Development of Center of Excellence for Disaster Nursing in Ubiquitous Society."


We emphasize in making contributions to society both locally and internationally through giving annual international seminars and extension lectures. We support the activities of ICN and co-operate with WHO and JICA.